The Qubbet el-Hawa is one of the most fascinating sites to visit in Aswan. This must-see site is located on the western bank of the Nile. The name of this place is derived from an Islamic Sheikh’s dome of tomb. However, it is archaeologically known as the place of the tombs of the officials, grouped on the artificial walkways beneath the summit of the Nile Bank.

The exclusive Tombs in this site dates back to the Old Kingdom, providing an insight into how the Upper Egyptian Nome 1 bury the dead in the later Old Kingdom. One of the most famous tombs is the site of Harkhuf. The site also houses some other tombs from the New Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom.

Tombs of the Nobles in Aswan

A visit to the Tombs of the Nobles is also referred to as a visit to the Qubbet el-Hawa. These tombs are some of the top attractions in Aswan. They are amongst the oldest burial chambers discovered in Egypt, which is why they are very significant. Most of the ancient burial chambers that date back to the period of the Old Kingdom were carved out of the rock, and they are intact all through the Middle and the New Kingdom.

Besides the tombs where they buried many nobles, the Tombs of the Nobles are also known for their uniqueness because they house linked family complexes. In these family complexes are some vital texts telling stories about their families and different aspects of their daily life in Egypt. One of the notable things in this tomb is the color of the paintings on the wall. It also has some exceptional decorations on the wall, which makes them noticeable.

Most of the paintings on the wall depict the everyday life of the ancient Egyptians. Most of them also include hieroglyphic inscriptions and biographies. The most amazing decorations in the Tombs of Nobles are found on the walls of the linked tombs, which are also called the Tomb Complex, and they belong to Sarenput I and Sarenput II.

What to Expect, and What to Find in Qubbet El-Hawa?

Qubbet el-Hawa

Qubbet el-Hawa is indeed a glorious sight to see. The land is amazing, and there are many fascinating things to see. The beautiful paintings and inscriptions on the walls will leave you wowed. Most of the tombs here belong to royals, including the tomb of Sarenput I and Sarenput II, which are the two most beautiful tombs there. However, the exact identities of most of the tombs have not been determined yet.

There are also many fascinating tombs there, and they belong to royals including Khunes, Harkhuf, Pepynkht, and Mekhu Qubbet Al Hawa – whom the Tomb of Nobles burial site was named after. There are also other Tombs of Nobles in other places in Egypt. The Tombs of Nobles in Qubbet el-Hawa Aswan are the oldest in the whole of Egypt.

To visit Qubbet el-Hawa tombs, you would have to hire a car or use a taxi, as you cannot find public transports going to the tomb. However, the best way to go to the site is with a tour company. Going there on an excursion will take away all the hassle of getting transportation to the venue.

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Other Sites to Visit

There are many awesome sites to visit in Aswan, and most of them are more significant than this one. As such, you might not always find an excursion package that is exclusive to Qubbet el-Hawa. You can book one of our all-inclusive Aswan tours that include a visit to this great site. You can also ask for a customized package, which would include a visit to Qubbet el-Hawa.

One of the things you can do at this beautiful location is to climb the mountain. You will be amazed at the beautiful sight waiting for you at the top of the mountain. It is the best view of the city you can get. You can also decide to ride on a camel, horse, or donkey. You can ride to the top of the mountain if you are not up for walking.

The weather might not be very favorable in the afternoon, so the best time to visit is in the morning or evening. There is also a nice café at the mountain’s bottom, where you can try some local tea – Bedouin style. The illumination at night is also marvelous. It is a lovely sight to behold. The light-up is impressive, so peaceful, and beautiful. This makes it a great place to visit both at night and during the day.